Labor Module


GET Labors

Returns a list of ALL Labor Locations. Can be filtered with an OData style query string.

GET Labors/{laborPK}

Returns the Labor with the specified PK value.

  • laborPK (FromUri): The PK value of the requested Labor.

POST Labors

Creates one or more Labors in the system with the details specified in the request body.

  • newLabor (FromBody): An Array of Labors to be created.

POST Labors/{laborPK}

Populate Labor with Photo jpg file.

  • laborPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Labor record to be updated.

PUT Labors/{laborPK}

Updates the specified Labor with the details specified in the request body.

  • laborPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Labor to be updated.
  • updatedViewModel (FromBody): Updated details of the labor.

PUT Labors

Updates one or more Labors in the system with the details specified in the request body.

  • updViews (FromBody): A collection of Labors to be updated.