Asset Module


GET Assets

Returns a list of ALL Assets.

GET Assets/{assetPK}

Returns the Asset with the specified PK value.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the requested Asset.

POST Assets

Creates one or more Assets in the system with the details specified in the request body. Required: ID, Name, ParentRef, ClassificationRef

  • newAssets (FromBody): An Array of Assets to be created.

POST Assets/{assetPK}

Populate Asset with Photo jpg file.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset to be updated.

PUT Assets/{assetPK}

Updates the specified Asset with the details specified in the request body.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset to be updated.
  • updatedViewModel (FromBody): Updated details of the Asset.

PUT Assets

Updates one or more Assets in the system with the details specified in the request body. Required: PK

  • updViews (FromBody): A collection of Assets to be updated.


GET Assets/{assetPK}/specifications/{PK}

Returns the Asset Specification with the specified PK value.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • PK (FromUri): The PK value of the requested Asset Specification.

GET Assets/{assetPK}/specifications

Returns the Specifications for a specific Asset.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.

POST Assets/{assetPK}/specifications

Creates one or more Asset Specifications in the system with the details specified in the request body. Required: SpecificationPK

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • newAssetSpecs (FromBody): An Array of Asset Specifications to be created.

PUT Assets/{assetPK}/specifications/{PK}

Updates the specified Asset Specification with the details specified in the request body. Required: AssetPK, SpecificationPK

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • PK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset Specification to be updated.
  • updatedViewModel (FromBody): Updated details of the Asset Specification.

GET AssetSpecifications

Returns a list of ALL Asset Specifications. Can be filtered with an OData style query string.

GET AssetSpecifications/{assetPK}?PK={PK}

Returns the Asset Specification with the specified PK value.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • PK (FromUri): The PK value of the requested Asset Specification.

GET AssetSpecifications/{assetPK}

Returns the Specifications for a specific Asset.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.

POST AssetSpecifications/{assetPK}

Creates one or more Asset Specifications in the system with the details specified in the request body. Required: SpecificationPK

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • newAssetSpecs (FromBody): An Array of Asset Specifications to be created.

PUT AssetSpecifications/{assetPK}?PK={PK}

Updates the specified Asset Specification with the details specified in the request body. Required: AssetPK, SpecificationPK

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • PK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset Specification to be updated.
  • updatedViewModel (FromBody): Updated details of the Asset Specification.

PUT AssetSpecifications

Updates one or more AssetSpecifications in the system with the details specified in the request body.

  • updViews (FromBody): A collection of AssetSpecifications to be updated.


GET Assets/{assetPK}/meterhistory

Returns the Meter History for a specific Asset.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.

GET Assets/{assetPK}/meterhistory/{historyPK}

Returns the Meter History with the specified PK value.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • historyPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Meter History record.

GET Assets/{assetPK}/meterhistory?meterNumber={meterNumber}

Returns all the Asset Meter History with the specified meter number for a specific asset.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • meterNumber (FromUri): The meter number, either 1 or 2

POST Assets/{assetPK}/meterhistory

Creates one or more Asset Meter History records in the system with the details specified in the request body. Required: AssetPK

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • newMeterHistory (FromBody): No Documentation Found.

PUT Assets/{assetPK}/meterhistory/{historyPK}

Updates the specified Asset Meter History record with the details specified in the request body. Required: AssetPK

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • historyPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset Meter History record to be updated.
  • updatedViewModel (FromBody): Updated details of the Asset Specification.

GET Assets/{assetPK}/meternumberhistory

Returns the Meter History for a specific Asset.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.

GET Assets/{assetPK}/meternumberhistory?historyPK={historyPK}

Returns the Meter History with the specified PK value.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • historyPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Meter History record.

GET Assets/{assetPK}/meternumberhistory/{meterNumber}

Returns all the Asset Meter History with the specified meter number for a specific asset.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • meterNumber (FromUri): The meter number, either 1 or 2

POST Assets/{assetPK}/meternumberhistory

Creates one or more Asset Meter History records in the system with the details specified in the request body. Required: AssetPK

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • newMeterHistory (FromBody): No Documentation Found.

PUT Assets/{assetPK}/meternumberhistory?historyPK={historyPK}

Updates the specified Asset Meter History record with the details specified in the request body. Required: AssetPK

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • historyPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset Meter History record to be updated.
  • updatedViewModel (FromBody): Updated details of the Asset Specification.

GET AssetMeterHistory

No Documentation Found.

GET AssetMeterHistory/{assetPK}

Returns the Meter History for a specific Asset.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.

GET AssetMeterHistory/{assetPK}?historyPK={historyPK}

Returns the Meter History with the specified PK value.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • historyPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Meter History record.

GET AssetMeterHistory/{assetPK}?meterNumber={meterNumber}

Returns all the Asset Meter History with the specified meter number for a specific asset.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • meterNumber (FromUri): The meter number, either 1 or 2

POST AssetMeterHistory/{assetPK}

Creates one or more Asset Meter History records in the system with the details specified in the request body. Required: AssetPK

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • newMeterHistory (FromBody): No Documentation Found.

PUT AssetMeterHistory/{assetPK}?historyPK={historyPK}

Updates the specified Asset Meter History record with the details specified in the request body. Required: AssetPK

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • historyPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset Meter History record to be updated.
  • updatedViewModel (FromBody): Updated details of the Asset Specification.

PUT AssetMeterHistory

Updates one or more Asset Meter History in the system with the details specified in the request body.

  • updViews (FromBody): A collection of Asset Meter History to be updated.


GET Assets/{assetPK}/images

Returns the Images for a specific Asset.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.

GET Assets/{assetPK}/images/{imagePK}

Returns the Image with the specified PK value.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • imagePK (FromUri): The PK value of the requested Photo.

POST Assets/{assetPK}/images

Creates one or more Asset Images in the system with the files uploaded in the request body.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset to be updated.

GET AssetImages

Returns a list of ALL Asset Images. Can be filtered with an OData style query string.

GET AssetImages/{assetPK}

Returns the Images for a specific Asset.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.

GET AssetImages/{assetPK}?imagePK={imagePK}

Returns the Image with the specified PK value.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • imagePK (FromUri): The PK value of the requested Photo.

POST AssetImages/{assetPK}

Creates one or more Asset Images in the system with the files uploaded in the request body.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset to be updated.


GET Assets/{assetPK}/documents

Returns the Documents for a specific Asset.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.

GET Assets/{assetPK}/documents/{PK}

Returns the Asset Document with the specified PK value.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • PK (FromUri): The PK value of the requested Asset Document.

POST Assets/{assetPK}/documents

Creates one or more Asset Documents in the system with the files uploaded in the request body.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset to be updated.

GET AssetDocuments

Returns a list of ALL Asset Documents. Can be filtered with an OData style query string.

GET AssetDocuments/{assetPK}

Returns the Documents for a specific Asset.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.

GET AssetDocuments/{assetPK}?PK={PK}

Returns the Asset Document with the specified PK value.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset.
  • PK (FromUri): The PK value of the requested Asset Document.

POST AssetDocuments/{assetPK}

Creates one or more Asset Documents in the system with the files uploaded in the request body.

  • assetPK (FromUri): The PK value of the Asset to be updated.